Studentambassadör talar med presumtiv student på Kunskap och Framtidsmässan i Göteborg 2022
Photo: Natalie Greppi

Student ambassador

Every year, the University recruits international students to join our team of student ambassadors. The team works with communicating with our prospective international students through webinars, virtual fairs and digital channels.

Become a student ambassador

If you are an international student at the University of Gothenburg seeking an exciting and engaging part-time opportunity, becoming a student ambassador might just be the thing for you. Student ambassadors are recruited once a year at the start of the autumn semester.

Application 2024/2025

The application for the student ambassador team 2024/2025 is now open:

International Student Ambassadors

International Student Ambassadors with focus on Chinese social media

All applications must be submitted through the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal by 5 September.

Working as a student ambassador

A student ambassador acts as the face of the University of Gothenburg and represents their education and the University. The position is hourly paid, and the amount of hours varies from month to month.

The main task of our ambassadors is to communicate with our prospective international students through webinars, virtual fairs, and various digital channels.

More specific work tasks include, for example: 

  • Creating content for social media and managing our international social media account.
  • Taking part in and hosting webinars.
  • Attending international (virtual) study fairs.
  • Providing support and guidance to our prospective international students regarding study-related matters during above mentioned events and channels.


Contact our coordinator if you have any questions.

Matthias Teich
Matthias Teich
International Student Ambassador Coordinator