Students abroad
Photo: Helena Lopes, Unsplash

Short-term mobility

If you who want to experience studying abroad without being away for an entire semester, there may be shorter international opportunities that are more suitable. On this page, you will find information about available such opportunities and how to apply. If you have elective courses within the scope of your program, it may be possible to count, for example, international summer courses as part of your degree.

Short-term international opportunities open for all students at GU

There are several opportunities to gain international experience through shorter stays abroad via the University of Gothenburg (GU). These include summer courses the Nordlys network, and also through the EUTOPIA network. Occasionally, there are other opportunities to get involved or take shorter courses, and these are advertised on this page. Learn more about eligibility and how to apply for the various opportunities below. Please note that the application process is not the same as for regular exchange, and the application period varies depending on the partner institution.


Do you have questions about the GU-wide summer courses within the Nordics and at Fudan University? Please contact International Centre at

Info webinar about summer courses in the Nordic Region (Nordlys)

Welcome to an info webinar about Nordlys summer courses on February 21, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM! Here, you’ll learn more about the different courses offered, hear two students' experiences, and listen to one of our partner institutions.

Don't miss the chance to get all the information you need for a rewarding summer!

Short-term international opportunities within your study field

If your faculty or department has collaborations with universities that offer summer courses or other short-term opportunities within your subject area, you will find them below.


Do you have questions about the subject-specific summer courses? Please contact the international coordinator at your department or faculty.