Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF, is a modern, high-quality public university in Barcelona, in north- east Spain. The University was founded in 1990 and has UPF has around 13,000 enrolled students of whom 1,800 are international mobility students. UPF ranks in the Times Higher Education ranking 2022 as the 1st Spanish university (156th worldwide).
Information for exchange students
Faculties and centres
Teaching Language
Courses are taught in English, Spanish or Catalan.
UPF offers a wide range of courses for exchange students. Please note the following subject areas are NOT open within the exchange agreement between GU and UPF:
- Geography or Geology
- Sports and Nutrition
- Artistic subjects
- Journalism, Media and Communication
- Music
- Education
- Languages
- Social Work
- Theatre
Exchange is not open for students at master level.
Before applying, students should carefully check the course offerings and course language. It is possible to select courses across different faculties, just make sure they are taught during the same term and that you have discussed your choices together with your study counsellor/international coordinator.
UPF course catalouge and academic information
Good to know: You will be able to download PDF-files from the web pages above which provide an overview of the course offering. Within these you will come across the phrase "Asignaturas 1, 2 & 3", which refers to the term where a particular course is taught. UPF's academic year is made up of three terms so be mindful that you select courses within e.g. asignaturas 1, if your exchange takes place in the autumn.
Erasmus+ grant
Spain is part of the Erasmusprogramme – which means that you can receive an Erasmus+grant if you do an exchange period at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Read more about Erasmus+ here.
Full Time Studies
UPF uses three terms in one academic year (see below) where you study 20 ECTS (20 hp) per term. Exchange studies in the fall (UPF term 1) requires you to study 20 ECTS, meaning less than full time studies in Sweden (30 ECTS, 30 hp). It is important to be mindful of this when choosing Pompeu Fabra and which term you will go on your exchange. During the spring semester (UPF term 2 and 3) you can study up to 40 ECTS (40 hp).
As a GU student it is however important that you choose 30 ECTS in order for the credits to be transferrable to studies at home e.g :
Half a year (one GU semester) = 30 credits / 30 ECTS
1 full academic year = 60 credits / 60 ECTS
Academic Calendar
Fall semester: September - December
Spring semester: January – June (term starts around 8 January each year)
Language Requirements
At least B2 level of English, or MCER B1 level of Spanish when studying courses in Spanish. UPF accepts a letter confirming your English language proficiency from your international coordinator, or you can choose to take the OLS (online language assessment) through Erasmus+.
Information about housing can be found here.
Exchange students are insured via Kammarkollegiets ”StudentOUT”.