Dekorativt ordmoln

Pedagogical Prize 2024


Now is the time to nominate a teacher or a team of teachers for the Pedagogical Prize 2024. The last date to nominate is 31 December 2024.

Every year, the University of Gothenburg award a pedagogical prize to reward teachers who have developed and implemented a course or a programme in an exemplary way. By paying attention to and thereby stimulating such efforts, teachers can be given recognition for their quality-developing pedagogical achievements. The purpose of the prize is also to make the efforts known outside of the course or programme in question, and in this way serve as good examples of pedagogical development.

Who can be nominated?

Prize-winners may be groups (e.g. teams of teachers who work on a course or programme) or individual teachers who teach first-, second- or third-cycle programmes. Everyone who teaches in the Faculty of Education’s activities and is employed by the University of Gothenburg can be considered for a prize. Prizes are awarded as professional support to one or more prize-winners for a maximum of 100,000 SEK per year. The prize money shall be used for the prize-winners’ advancement and development.

The prize can only be awarded to persons who are currently active in the profession.

Who can nominate?

A nomination of a prize-winner shall be made by a person other than the nominated person.
All students/doctoral students, alumni and staff at the Faculty of Education may propose prize-winners for a pedagogical prize.

Motivate your nomination

Nominees must meet at least one of the following criteria:

1. Prize-winners shall have carried out particularly appreciated and inspiring teaching work with pedagogical framing that has been of great value to the students’/doctoral students’ learning. This teaching work shall be ongoing and consider the perspective of the students.

2. Prize-winners shall have developed, and implemented in teaching with great success, an innovative idea with a pedagogical aim. An innovative idea with a pedagogical aim refers to, for example, content and/or a mode of working that has been of great value to the students’ learning. The teaching shall be ongoing and under continuous development.

3. Prize-winners shall have carried out teaching work that is particularly appreciated and successful over several years, and the teaching work shall be ongoing and under continued development.

The Faculty of Education Board decides on prize-winners.

The last date to nominate is 31 December 2024.

Nominate to the Pedagogical Prize here!

Published by:
Faculty of Education
Department of the Subject Teacher Programme
Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies
Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Science
Department of Education and Special Education
Department of Education, Communication and Learning