Re-Café: Co-crafting event
For students
We continue to transform the former café at HDK-Valand together, this time with invited guests.
Happening on campus,
We continue to transform the former café at HDK-Valand together, this time with invited guests.
During three days of intensive and joyful work, we will re-make and transform the former café space at Kristinelundsgatan together! We offer free lunch, dinner, and fika. Bring something to drink if you want!
Former HDK-Valand café at Kristinelundsgatan 6-8
Please contact:, to get more details and sign up for the workshop
The RE-CAFÉ team at HDK-Valand in cooperation with Konstkåren and guest researchers Otto von Busch, Parsons School of Design, New York, and Karl Hallberg, Campus Steneby. WELCOME!
The RE CAFÉ team is a temporary and informal constellation consisting of students, teachers, and researchers at HDK—Valand who have a common interest in activating the former café and thereby creating a common meeting place. The group will eventually be integrated into the Event group at HDK to create a more stable platform from which to operate.